KCD clears out FOG

KCD removes FOG and related odors from lift station wells in sewer systems.

KCD provides a proven FOG removal solution for wastewater collections systems that’s ruggedly reliable across a range of operational conditions. It’s safe, simple and easy to use. Doesn’t interfere with other chemicals and processes already in use. Downstream, KCD won’t upset your plant or kill the bugs. Some of our customers also report fewer-to-no odor complaints once they begin using KCD! Work smarter, not harder, with Kationx technology.

Sewer lift station FOG mat that's been a persistent nuisance for this customer located in the U.S. northeast.
(above) Persistent FOG mat inside lift station. Cleaning it typically took a full morning. It was an unpleasant task. (below) After 1 bucket of KCD added as a powder, followed by a 15-minute washdown, the station is clean. FOG mat’s gone. Work smarter, not harder, by using safe, green/clean, non-toxic, non-corrosive, Kationx Technology!
Clean lift station after using KCD followed by a 15-minute washdown with hose (visible in lower right)

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